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How to Get Rid of the Sidewalk Lien

How to Get Rid of DOT Sidewalk Violations

sidewalk image

According to New York City law, property owners are required to maintain the sidewalks outside of their buildings. The law means not only that all property owners are responsible for the cost of the repairs to their sidewalks, but also that they're potentially liable for any personal injuries that are caused by sidewalks that are in disrepair.

The Department of Transportation (DOT) inspects sidewalks on a regular basis to ensure that they're safe, and they inspect certain areas more frequently if there were injury reports or complaints filed.

About Sidewalk Violations

Sidewalk violations are official notices that are issued by the DOT stating that your sidewalk is in need of repairs. The County Clerk also receives notice of this and it remains on file until they receive confirmation that the repairs have been made. Any violation can be a huge problem if you attempt to sell or refinance your New York property.

You may want to contest a sidewalk violation you received either bcause it was given to the incorrect owner or because you believe you deserve a re-inspection.

If you've received a sidewalk violation, call the professionals at Eden Roofing & Waterproofing NYC for a repair as quickly as possible. If the sidewalk is not repaired within 45 days of receiving the notification, the DOT may perform the work or hire someone else to perform the work, then bill you.

Our professionals can take care of any defects or repairs that you need, and we can take care of either concrete or bluestone (slate) sidewalks.

Obtaining Permits

Before we can perform any work, we will obtain all the necessary work permits. You can also choose to get these permits on your own before you hire a contractor. If you do, keep in mind that you'll need a separate permit for any curb work that is cited in the violation.

The permits can also be more difficult to obtain if the sidewalk is on a designated landmark.

Once the permits have been taken care of by either you or our contractors, we can start the work. We'll designate a safe walkway for pedestrians, and we'll handle the work as quickly as possible without sacrificing quality workmanship for a speedy job.

Other Complications

  • Tree Roots

If the problem with your sidewalk is being caused by tree roots, you will need to contact the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR). You may eligible to have them repair the sidewalk for you if this is the case. (The NYC Department of Transportation does not hold property owners responsible for tree-damaged sidewalks.)

  • Missing or Defective Curbs

The DOT may repair missing or defective curbs at no cost to you.

  • Contesting Violations

You may want to contest a sidewalk violation you received either bcause it was given to the incorrect owner or because you believe you deserve a re-inspection. In either case, visit 311 Online and request a "sidewalk violation search" or "sidewalk violation reinspection".

If you're in need of sidewalk repairs in New York, call Eden Roofing & Waterproofing NYC at 718-673-4444, or fill out our online request form.

How to Get Rid of the Sidewalk Lien
