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I Was Vegan but Started to Eat Meat When Pregnant

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Vegetarians eating meat again?

Any mommas out there been a vegetarian for awhile then ate meat during pregnancy? I'm about 10+ years in on being a vegetarian but have started to eat bacon on occasion as of last week. I want to just start eating meat like normal but not sure where to start or how much to eat. I don't want to get sick!


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I'm a vegetarian and don't intend to eat meat.

However, my sister switched to eating meat when she started having kids and I don't think it made her sick at all.

I was a vegetarian for 20 years until I got pregnant with my son in 2013. I suddenly couldn't get enough burgers and bacon!! I was fine but got slightly bunged up. Although I'm much more constipated this time and I'm hardly eating anything. Enjoy I couldn't believe how good meat tasted!

I've heard of so many vegetarians craving meat while pregnant! I'm personally not vegetarian, but I absolutely hate rice but crave it all the time... I eat it and gag just to satisfy the craving. It's honestly so weird how bodies react while pregnant.

I had a friend who stopped being vegetarian during her last pregnancy and started by eating fish to ease in since its lighter, then lean meats, then burgers and anything. She didn't get sick but made sure to eat organic and correctly fed animals.

My friend was a vegetarian but started craving chicken wings during her first pregnancy. She indulged abs ever since she's back to eating chicken.

I've been a vegetarian for about 20 years. I can't understand how vegetarians can do this. Meat grosses me out even more than usual when I'm pregnant. The smell of any kind of meat cooking is enough to make me puke. Also, I couldn't live with myself for compromising my beliefs due to a craving. I know many aren't vegetarians for ethical reasons though.


Oh please there's more important things in life than feeling superior because of your diet.


Please tell me how I said I'm superior? People choose to not eat meat for many different reasons and I acknowledged that. I'm sorry if my reasons for not eating meat make you feel bad. I don't think that the women who say their baby needs meat to be healthy think they are superior. I think that people make their own choices based on their beliefs and what they think is best for their child.

I was a vegetarian for 20 years but when I found out i was pregnant I started eating chicken, turkey, and fish. I didn't crave it, but thought I needed more protein for baby's development and growth. I started slowly but didn't get sick and actually like it. My husband is pretty happy about my expanding diet as well : )

I've been vegetarian off and on throughout my life with this stretch so far at 6ish years. I craved meat with my first but didn't eat it and I find I'm in the same boat with this pregnancy but the cravings are much more intense this time around. I've started eating fish but don't want to go any further. The funny thing is, as soon as I am around poultry or beef I immediately run for the hills. The smell of it turns my stomach but the look of it once it's done makes my mouth water.


Lol I'm sort of in the same boat. But the smell gets my mouth watering. The look scares me off. It's a struggle! I know j can dismiss the cravings but I want to make sure my baby gets everything it needs ya know?


Exactly! I had so many complications with my first pregnancy that if I end up caving and eating a little more than fish this round I won't stress. I just want this pregnancy to go smoother than the last and to have a healthy baby. Meat is the last of my worries.

I'm slightly offended for being questioned about my beliefs about being a vegetarian lol. I quit eating meat for the sole purpose that I didn't believe or agree in the way the animals were put down in order to make us food. But I've moved past it and want to do whatever is best and necessary for my growing little tiny human. :) of course I would want grass fed and free range everything but I know it won't be easy. If anyone knows of specific places or brands that have this please let me know! thank you ladies for the suggestions and help!

I didn't crave it with my last pregnancy and haven't with this one. There are so many other sources outside of meat and fish for everything me and my baby need.

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I Was Vegan but Started to Eat Meat When Pregnant
